5 Ways to Fall Into Good Habits

Autumn is a season of transition so it’s a great time of year to focus on healthier habits. These 5 tips will help you feel your best all the way through winter: 1- Take steps to avoid cold and flu. Get a flu shot, wash your hands often and avoid close contact with sick people….


Dog Days of Summer

AVOID THE SUN, NOT THE FUN! Preventing sunburn and skin cancer is so simple and easy. Some tips to remember are to: Apply your sunscreen before you leave the house. It assures you won’t forget later, plus it starts protecting you the minute you go out into the rays. Use a sunscreen with at least…



This fourth of July think about the wellness and safety of pets. Fireworks are very scary and cause a great deal of stress to animals who may panic and escape the safety of home. Even if you don’t have pets, your neighbors do and recognizing this can allow you to take steps so pets don’t…


Tripped Up in ACA Confusion

Does your strategy to implement the Affordable Care Act contradict any of the HIPAA Provisions? Did you know… many HIPAA provisions contradict some of the popular strategies employers are currently using to implement ACA? This information was new to me too! The Affordable Care Act and wellness provisions have brought so many questions, and so…


May is Health and Fitness Month

The right athletic shoes can make the difference between enjoying a walk or run vs. nursing blisters, sore heals or shin splints on the couch!  


April is Alcohol Awareness Month

April 2014- Dealing with alcohol abuse and the health effects of drinking should be a part of every wellness program. Download this FREE poster for Alcohol Awareness Month.  


It is Personal

March 9, 2014- Those of us working in corporate wellness can easily get lost in the numbers, participation rates, outcomes, ROI etc. However, it is essential to see the people behind the numbers.  This post is dedicated to Jessica Hogan, whose battle with her disorder is a reminder why we need to look at conditions…


Love, Big Bang Style

The Big Bang Theory is a popular TV comedy show that centers around the lives of geeky science roommates and their friends, including the attractive actress/waitress Penny, across the hall.  With February being Healthy Heart Month and Valentines Day coming up, what better time to look at how we express and receive love than by…


One Step at a Time

Forget About Goals If you set a goal to lose 10 pounds, but only lose 5, are you disappointed? Or do you celebrate the the loss? Too often we look towards the outcomes we want and don’t appreciate the efforts we put in to get there. When it comes to setting goals, sometimes the best…


Feeling Less Than Jolly

Feeling Less Than Jolly This Holiday Season? This festive season can force people to face that life isn’t always as joyful as we’d like. Down in the dumps, holiday blues, you name it, people feel it. Read more for tips to keep holiday depression at bay.