
Summer Wellness Programs: Keep Your Employees Engaged this Summer

Summer is just around the corner and with it comes the sun, vacationing, BBQs, and school break for kids! To this day, most of us still experience that childhood, “school’s out” feeling on the first sunny day of the year. The downside is, that with that feeling comes decreased employee productivity and increased vacation time….

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My Fly On The Wall Wellness Experience

Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending a Healthiest Companies Award Luncheon, which was the highlight of a full day conference with speakers and exhibitors that all share the passion for wellness. One of the vendor exhibitors offered “healing touch therapy” which is a relaxing experience where I laid on a comfortable table, much like…

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4 Ways to Get Ahead Financially

TAX SEASON IS A GOOD TIME TO STEP BACK AND LOOK AT OUR FINANCIAL HEALTH.  A few tips to get ahead financially all year are to: 1. Spend less than you earn. Small sacrifices can lead to big savings. 2. Put away the plastic. Credit card debt is the number one obstacle to financial success….

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The Choices We Make

March 2015 The Choices We Make At Work Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? You may already know, but many of your employees aren’t aware of this monthly designation. Start by sharing the importance of nutrition in their daily lives to enhance quality of life. Many people find the grind of balancing…

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Wellness from the Heart

FEBRUARY IS HEART HEALTH MONTH So often health tips for February are focused tips to reduce calories from Valentine sweets, benefits of dark chocolate or tips for a physically healthy heart. We at Inspired Perspectives would like to take this opportunity to share a health tip about emotional eating. When it comes to matters of…

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Three Turkey Day Triggers

Thanksgiving is almost here. Be thankful later, that you didn’t fall into these holiday traps: 1-Great Expectations Appreciate the little things and manage stress with realistic goals and expectations for yourself and others. 2-Eating Too Much Plan which of your favorites you will have, then eat until satisfied. Enjoy your favorite foods with reasonable portions….

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5 Ways to Fall Into Good Habits

Autumn is a season of transition so it’s a great time of year to focus on healthier habits. These 5 tips will help you feel your best all the way through winter: 1- Take steps to avoid cold and flu. Get a flu shot, wash your hands often and avoid close contact with sick people….

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Dog Days of Summer

AVOID THE SUN, NOT THE FUN! Preventing sunburn and skin cancer is so simple and easy. Some tips to remember are to: Apply your sunscreen before you leave the house. It assures you won’t forget later, plus it starts protecting you the minute you go out into the rays. Use a sunscreen with at least…

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This fourth of July think about the wellness and safety of pets. Fireworks are very scary and cause a great deal of stress to animals who may panic and escape the safety of home. Even if you don’t have pets, your neighbors do and recognizing this can allow you to take steps so pets don’t…

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