
Mindful in May

Any wellness blogs in May are sure to reflect the wellness calendar of health observances and will not be short of health tip topics to choose from. May is the designated awareness month for arthritis, global employee health and fitness, healthy vision, skin cancer detection and prevention, mental health, asthma and allergy, osteoporosis, stroke, and…

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The Price of Not Preventing Disease

The right preventive care at every stage of life helps people stay healthy to live happy and productive lives that lower health care costs for everyone. Unfortunately, many people are still unaware of the access to free preventive care services available to them through their health plan. According to the CDC, American’s use preventive services…

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Feel Your Food

 The link between work/life stress and junk food is lined with buffets, fast food and carryout. It’s easy to recognize the feelings that can drive overeating, but often do you connect how you feel with what you ate?  People whose hunger and eating patterns are linked to their emotions can still use food to feel better…

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Exercise and Brain Health

FIT BRAIN Where did I leave my keys? What was it I needed from the store? Why did I come into this room? Do you want to become mentally stronger, sharper and faster? It’s these types of forgetful moments that can be easily chalked up to aging, being busy or stressed. Memory slips can be…

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Wellness; Do You Mind?

Do you worry or stress about your wellness programming? Planning for roll out, building participation and designing outcome measurements can be stressful. What if you didn’t worry about past program setbacks or future biometric measurement reports and just focused on the present moment? Stop, breathe, let go. What is happening right now in your wellness…

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Paint Your Wellness Program Green

There is a relationship between a healthy ecosystem and healthy people. Wellness is a multidimensional process that creates awareness of, and helps people make choices to put them on the path to optimal living. Environmental wellness is one of the dimensions of well-being that can be an integral part of your worksite wellness program. Environmental…

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Worksite Wellness 101 for Benefit Brokers – Download FREE Wellness Guide

October 19, 2017 Learn how your benefits brokerage firm can get started helping clients with worksite wellness. Talk the talk and learn the pro’s and con’s of in-house wellness staff or working with a wellness vendor. If you’re in the health insurance business, you know that worksite wellness is a trend that’s here to stay. If…

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A Healthy Self-Perspective

When you look in the mirror are your thoughts for yourself kind, or are they full of criticism? Do you see extra weight and tired eyes, or are you admiring how much your posture has improved? Many workplace wellness programs are focusing on what behavior and lifestyle risks employees can change or improve. A new…

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Forget Trying to “Engage” Millennials

One of the most in vogue topics is how to engage millennials. Businesses wants to attract and retain this generation and entice them to become and stay productive. Workplace wellness programs aim to appeal to millennials so they will participate in wellness programs, use their apps and visit their wellness portals. The millennial generation does…

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Wellbeing Content To Shift Perspective

Google the word health and there is no limit to the number of hits for articles, topics and information. So, the question becomes, with all this health and wellness content available, why don’t we see more behavior change? Despite all the “5 a Day Campaigns” and health information readily available, according to the World Health…

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