
Optimistically Planning for Brighter Days

Science says we all need things to look forward to. It’s essential to give oneself a positive anticipatory boost to manifest our goals into reality. Planning creates optimism and is a powerful motivator. Having something to look forward to, no matter how small, reduces stress and boosts mood.  Humans are extremely future-oriented and have the…

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Re-Establishing Connections Through Social Undistancing

The pandemic has changed the way people relate to each other at home, work, school and in general. Some people have been feeling lonely, isolated, disconnected and at the same time, smothered by all the time together at home. A few observations that many of us have learned from the past year is: There is…

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Wellness Challenge Case Study Spotlight: Sleep

No matter what your organization’s health and engagement focus or goals are, there is one pillar of health that will help your population achieve optimal health that employees will be happy to engage in. SLEEP. Everyone one wants more energy, to feel rested, manage weight, enhance mood, lower risk for injuries, accidents and illnesses, improve…

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Happy Holidays!

The Inspired Perspectives team would like to wish you and yours a very happy and healthy holiday season! As we enter the final days of 2020, we are reflecting on how grateful we are for our clients and partners who make our work so meaningful, purposeful and inspiring. Contact us to engage and inspire your…

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Mental health and sense of belonging, is technology helping or hurting?

Managing the mental health of your employees has never been a greater challenge than in 2020. EAP services are being utilized for webinars and additional outreach, technology is being leveraged through zoom presentations, meditation apps are being provided and now there is talk about mental health counseling through bots using artificial intelligence. Well-being programs are…

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Gratitude Brings Good Things

November is National Gratitude Month and reminds us that appreciation and kindness can be one of the most powerful tools to change life for the better. There is a strong correlation between increased feelings of happiness and self-worth and giving or receiving gratitude. Gratitude is simply taking time to think about all the positive things…

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Less Risky Holiday Gathering

Celebrating the holidays in 2020 will look different than most seasons as we all work to reduce the spread of illness and increase the spread of cheer, gratitude and good health. The CDC is offering considerations to protect individuals and their families, friends and communities for fall and winter holiday celebrations to lower risk. If…

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Choosing Virtual Well-Being Challenges

Now more than ever, businesses are looking for creative ways to engage employees, encourage self-care and keep employees feeling inspired and productive. Virtual well-being challenges can be a refreshing and exciting option for employees working from the office or remotely. Instead of trying to get people excited about getting on the treadmill, stimulate their sense…

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Planning Meals During Social Distancing

Help Your Employees Solve the “What’s for Dinner Dilemma?”  Coming up with ideas for meals everyday can challenge anyone during normal times, but now the extra balance of work/home/childcare responsibilities requires even greater creativity. The goal is to take less trips to the grocery store for ingredients while still having nourishing and delicious food options….

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Smart Swaps for Summer Activities by Lauren Turner

Our national holiday is something we all look forward to each year, as there are many traditions tied in with this holiday! Friends, family, fireworks, BBQs, swimming, and parades may all be ways you’ve celebrated in the past. This summer, find some great alternatives to still keep your traditions intact, while not risking the safety…

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