
Supporting Mental Health

People need to be reminded that they are still part of a cohesive team. Supporting the mental health of employees has never been a greater challenge than since the Pandemic. Well-being programs are more important now than ever before. With people working remotely, it is vital that a sense of belonging is maintained and that…

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Advantages of Wellness Calendars in the Digital Age

Wellness calendars are used to express ideas and emotions that are important to a culture. A wellness calendar is a powerful motivating tool that displays as wall art. Art can have an impressive influence on culture by providing a visual representation of shared beliefs, values and aspirations. Wall calendars may seem old school in the…

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Hybrid and Remote Well-Being

Cultures are changing and wellness programs are being challenged to adapt to meet the ever-changing needs of remote and hybrid workforces. Strategies for improving lives and building organizational resilience through safety, health and well-being now require a delicate balance of virtual and real world engagement. A few creative approaches to modify current wellness programs include:…

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Building Awareness for Uncomfortable Topics

2/25/23 Prevention awareness saves lives. National Health Observances (NHOs) are special days, weeks or months dedicated to raising awareness about important health topics. Creating promotional messages around awareness topics such as American Heart Month in February can easily be made appealing with colorful hearts, Valentines day references to create emotional relevancy or offering seminars/cooking demonstrations…

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Impact of AI Generated Well-Being Content

2/2/2023 Creating frequent and insightful well-being content is more important now, than ever.  Language has the power to shape our perceptions of reality and can be used as a tool to impact behaviors, shape beliefs, influence emotions, create social norms and construct a lens through which information or situations are perceived and decisions are made….

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Inspire Your Well-Being Communications with A Plan

Wellness communications aren’t just one and done. Delivering wellness messages that are meaningful while leveraging promotional opportunities to remind your population of the programs and resources you have is behavior change marketing. A structured communication plan delivering highly engaging content with multiple touch points throughout the year creates awareness, manifests inspiration, and drives action. It’s…

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Creating Demand for Wellness

Creating and sustaining a successful workplace wellness program can be exciting, challenging and rewarding. Cultivating the right mix of programs, communications and culture can enhance the health and life of the organization and people that work there in ways that are immeasurable. Companies benefit when their population is healthier and happier. That research has all…

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July is National Park and Recreation Month

Find Your Park Parks are places where people find their serenity, create memories and experience adventure.  Taking advantage of your local public parks is a simple and inexpensive way to have fun and improve your physical fitness. Explore the many “undiscovered” offerings and innovative health and wellness opportunities by heading to your local park, rec…

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How Environment Can Impact Behavior

What’s On Your Wall? Environment can influence people’s: Behavior and motivation to act. Mood and emotional state. Reduce stress. All which in turn impacts physical health in multiple ways. Experts in the new area of evidence-based design have identified environmental factors that can have a large impact on health outcomes. Simply decorating a wall or…

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Hot Summer Happiness and Well-Being Campaigns

As the temperature increases so does the potential for fun, happiness and well-being. Help set a positive mindset by offering campaigns and challenges to look forward to this summer and improve quality. Online virtual programs, challenges and campaigns can inspire your population to aspire to the goals they want to accomplish. Here are a few…

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